Mindset and Success | 3 Steps to Cultivate One!

What do you think is the key to achieve our goals and our success?

Before reading the next sentences answer it first.

Did you have your answer already?

Did you answer things like hard work, focus, and persistence?

Some people say that working hard, staying focused, and being persistent are key to success.

But research shows these are all by-products of something else, something much more powerful that we can all develop.

This extraordinary something is critical to success, that is the reason why I am here to discuss it with you today.

There was once a young woman named Alex who was a brilliant student. She had always been at the top of her class and had a natural talent for academics.

However, when she got to college, she found that the coursework was much harder than she had anticipated.

Alex had always been praised for her intelligence, and she had come to rely on it as her main source of confidence.

When she started struggling in her classes, she began to doubt her abilities and started thinking that she was not as smart as she thought she was.

One day, her professor noticed her struggles and sat down with her for a heart-to-heart talk.

He explained to Alex the concept of fixed mindset versus growth mindset.

He told her that a fixed mindset is when you believe that your abilities are fixed and cannot be changed.

A growth mindset, on the other hand, is when you believe that your abilities can be developed through hard work and dedication.

Alex realized that she had been stuck in a fixed mindset and had been relying too heavily on her natural intelligence.

She decided to adopt a growth mindset and started working harder than ever before.

She put in extra time at the library, worked on her study habits, and sought out advice from her professor and other successful students.

Slowly but surely, Alex started to improve. She started getting better grades and was able to keep up with the coursework.

But more importantly, she felt a renewed sense of confidence and pride in her abilities. She knew that her success was not just due to her natural intelligence, but also to her hard work and dedication.

Alex’s experience taught her that a growth mindset is essential for success in any area of life.

Fixed mindset people tend to focus on how they will be judged or questions like “do I look smart?” while growth mindset people focus on learning and questions like “how can I learn?” or “how will I do it better next time?”

By embracing a growth mindset, we can achieve things we never thought possible and unlock our full potential.

3 steps that can be taken to cultivate a growth mindset in ourselves and those around us.

  1. First, recognize that the growth mindset is not only beneficial but is also supported by science.
    • Neuroscience shows that the brain changes and becomes more capable when we work hard to improve ourselves
  2. Second, learn and teach others about how to develop our abilities
    • When we understand how to extend our abilities, we strengthen our conviction that we are in charge of them.
  3. Third, listen for your fixed mindset voice; when you hear it, talk back with a growth mindset voice.
    • If you hear, “I can’t do it,” add “yet.”

Conclusion of Mindset and Success

In conclusion, the key to achieving our goals and success is adopting a growth mindset.

By believing that our abilities can be developed through hard work and dedication, we can unlock our full potential and achieve things we never thought possible.

Cultivating a growth mindset involves recognizing its benefits, learning and teaching others about how to develop our abilities, and challenging our fixed mindset voice.

With a growth mindset, we can overcome challenges, improve ourselves, and succeed in any area of life.


  1. Blog Archives – PIET KOORNHOF violinist. http://www.pietkoornhof.com/tips-for-violin-students/archives/09-2021
  2. Getting Rid of Limiting Beliefs – Weekly Challenge #37 – Alexander Nilsson. http://alexandernilsson.nu/getting-rid-of-limiting-beliefs-weekly-challenge-37/
  3. The Power of Belief – Mindset & Success | Visalia Charter Independent Study. https://www.vciseagles.org/apps/video/watch.jsp?v=186966
  4. Meet the Creative: Maximilian Saliba – il-lokal. https://il-lokal.com/blogs/news/meet-creative-max-saliba
  5. Become Great and Powerful: Book & Chapter Summary to Join History’s Greatest – Dave Luca | Open Access Success Stories. https://www.oastories.org/greatpowerfulbooksummary/


One response to “Mindset and Success | 3 Steps to Cultivate One!”

  1. Nice Article, A lot of Value 😍 Impressive ❗

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